

Since 2007, we have been implementing a System of Environmental Management in compliance with UNI EN ISO 14001.

To continually improve and fulfil community expectations, we have identified and monitored some of the environmental hazards, such as our dust emissions into the atmosphere, our waste management and industrial water discharge levels.

For further information regarding our environmental policy, the hazards we have identified and the environmental performance of Tiberina please write to

Management Model and Certifications

We are always working to achieve maximum quality for our processes and products.

Tiberina’s Certifications

Tiberina is a Dekra exam centre for Non-Destructive Checks and Weldings.

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ISO 14001

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Health and Safety

BS OHSAS 18001

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Social liability

SA 8000

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Information Security

ISO IEC 27001

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Energy / Management

ISO 50001

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Mark Alviro Wiens

CEO at Google

Hypnosis quit smoking methods maintain caused quite world over the last two decades. There is a lot of argument pertaining to

Lina Harrington

CEO at Google

Accessories Here you can find the best computer accessory for your laptop, monitor, printer, scanner, speaker, projector, hardware.

Mark Alviro Wiens

CEO at Google

Hypnosis quit smoking methods maintain caused quite world over the last two decades. There is a lot of argument pertaining to

Lina Harrington

CEO at Google